Discussion on fault of printing and dyeing equipment and on-site management

1. Fault analysis of printing and dyeing equipment
1.1 characteristics of printing and dyeing equipment
Printing and dyeing equipment mainly refers to the equipment that uses mechanical equipment to print cloth or other articles. There are many varieties and types of such equipment. Moreover, the general printing and dyeing equipment is continuous operation. Therefore, in the process of using the right, the nature of the assembly line is relatively large, the equipment covers a large area, and the machine is long. Printing and dyeing machines, because of long-term contact with printing and dyeing products, are eroded and polluted by such substances, and the failure rate is very high. In the process of on-site maintenance and management, due to the limitation of objective conditions, the on-site management often fails to achieve the desired effect.

Discussion on fault of printing and dyeing equipment and on-site management

1.2 Printing and dyeing equipment failure
Due to the long history of printing and dyeing equipment, serious pollution and erosion, the utilization rate of the equipment is reduced, and some equipment even lost their working capacity or greatly reduced their working level for some reason. This situation is caused by sudden failure or gradual failure. A sudden failure, as the name suggests, occurs suddenly without preparation and warning. Progressive failure refers to the failure caused by some destructive factors in printing and dyeing, which gradually erode or destroy a certain part of machinery.

In printing and dyeing equipment, the frequency of gradual failure is higher than that of sudden failure. The main way to avoid such failures is to repair the failed equipment according to the equipment utilization rate.
General failures are mainly caused by deformation or bending of some parts during use, or by obstruction or restriction of activities due to pollution, or by damage of hardness or strength of some parts due to erosion and other reasons during use, which cannot withstand the load and fracture.

In some cases, due to the lack of material and performance of the equipment, the performance of the equipment causes serious loss of a certain part, and the maintenance is not in place at ordinary times. Any fault caused by any reason shall be avoided as far as possible.

2. Discussion on site management of printing and dyeing equipment
2.1 There is more possibility of mechanical and electrical failures, and how to reduce the occurrence of mechanical and electrical failures.

2.1.1 The maintenance handover procedures shall be strict and the requirements shall be improved: in order to make the maintenance status of the equipment meet the standards, improve the machine operation efficiency, reduce the equipment failure and improve the maintenance quality, the repair handover and acceptance procedures must be strictly implemented.

2.1.2 Necessary updates shall be combined during repair and transformation. Some equipment, which has been used for a long time and is seriously worn, can not meet the process requirements and product quality after repair. It can not be eliminated and updated only by means of maintenance.

2.2 The status monitoring of printing and dyeing equipment shall be timely.
Jiangsu printing and dyeing industry, after more than two years of practice, has summed up a lot of experience. In the promotion and application, good results have also been achieved, the most prominent of which is that the three major defect rates of color difference, weft skew and wrinkle, which threaten the printing and dyeing industry, have significantly decreased, which is a major breakthrough in the technical management and development of the printing and dyeing industry in Jiangsu Province. The color difference defect has been reduced from 30% in previous years to 0.3%. In the process of strengthening the maintenance and management of field equipment, the failure shutdown rate of equipment has also been reduced to the level specified in the index. At present, among the modern management methods, the effective way to manage equipment faults and equipment technical status is to use the condition monitoring and diagnosis technology.

2.3 Strengthen the maintenance of printing and dyeing equipment
The maintenance and repair of equipment cannot only rely on maintenance personnel. During the use of the equipment, it is necessary for the user of the equipment - the operator to participate in the maintenance of the equipment.

It is very important to clean and maintain the equipment, which is the most effective means to effectively prevent the equipment from being polluted and eroded. In the field equipment management, cleaning, maintenance and lubrication are weak links. As the direct operator of the equipment, the production management personnel can find out the causes of the mechanical equipment failure at the best time, such as the loosening of screws, the blockage of pollutants, the deviation of parts and components, etc. in the process of on-site operation.

Faced with a large number of equipment and only a few maintenance personnel, it is difficult to deal with the timely repair and maintenance of all mechanical equipment. In Nanjing printing and dyeing factory, a few years ago, due to the blocking workers among the operators who did not operate according to the regulations, they washed the equipment with water during cleaning and wiping, and even cleaned the equipment with acid solution, which caused stains, flower color change and position shift on the printed and dyed fabrics during the operation of the equipment. Some mechanical and electrical equipment were electrified and burned due to water penetration.

2.4 Use of lubrication technology
The volume of printing and dyeing machinery and the volume of oil tank are small, the amount of lubricating oil is small, and the oil temperature is high when working, which requires that the lubricating oil has good thermal stability and oxidation resistance; Sometimes the environment of printing and dyeing work is bad, and there are many coal dust, rock dust and moisture, so it is difficult for the lubricating oil to be polluted by these impurities. Therefore, it is required that the lubricating oil should have good rust prevention, corrosion resistance and emulsification resistance.

It is required that when the lubricating oil is polluted, its performance will not change too much, that is, it is less sensitive to pollution; The temperature of the open-air printing and dyeing machinery varies greatly in winter and summer, and the temperature difference between day and night is also large in some areas. Therefore, it is required that the viscosity of the lubricating oil should be small with the temperature. It is not only necessary to avoid that the viscosity of the oil becomes too low when the temperature is high, so that the lubricating film cannot be formed and the lubricating effect cannot be played. It is also necessary to avoid that the viscosity is too high when the temperature is low, so that it is difficult to start and operate; For some printing and dyeing machinery, especially those used in areas prone to fire and explosion accidents, it is required to use lubricants with good flame resistance, and combustible mineral oil cannot be used; Printing and dyeing machinery requires good adaptability of lubricants to seals to avoid damage to seals.

Commonly used high-temperature lubricating grease for printing and dyeing equipment, such as high-temperature chain oil anderol660 of setting machine, which has a high temperature resistance of 260 ° C, no coking and carbon deposition; Good permeability and spread; Excellent viscosity temperature coefficient ensures that chain oil will not splash on the cloth surface at high temperature, and cold start can be ensured at low temperature. It can also effectively prevent the influence of chemical substances and condensed water.

There is also dry molybdenum disulfide spray for amplitude adjusting screw rod of setting machine, which is suitable for domestic and imported machines such as German setting machine Bruckner, Kranz, Babcock, Korea Rixin, Lihe, Taiwan Ligen, Chengfu, Yiguang, Huangji and so on. Its high temperature resistance is 460 ° C. during the working process, the spraying layer is fast and easy to dry, and will not adhere to cloth fragments and dust, so as to avoid coating grease and polluting the cloth surface; The fine molybdenum disulfide particles contained have good adhesion, long lubrication layer, strong anti-wear, protection of amplitude modulation accuracy, and prevention of screw rod wear and bite under high temperature; There is also a long-life grease ar555 for the chain bearing of the shaping machine: its high temperature resistance is 290 benefits, and the replacement cycle is as long as one year; No carbonization, no dripping point, especially suitable for harsh chemical environment, suitable for door Fuji, Shaoyang machine, Xinchang machine, Shanghai printing and dyeing machine, Huangshi machine.

2.5 Promote new maintenance technology and modern management means
The improvement of on-site management level is an important means to reduce the occurrence of equipment failure. Promote the use of modern electromechanical integration equipment, train modern management personnel, apply it to the operation of on-site electromechanical integration, and strengthen the management and use of talents.

3. Conclusion
Today, the maintenance technology of printing and dyeing equipment has been greatly improved. The printing and dyeing industry cannot only rely on finding equipment faults, and timely repair and replace equipment faults to improve production efficiency and efficiency. It also needs to pay more attention to on-site management. First, the management of on-site equipment should be in place. The state monitoring of printing and dyeing equipment should be effective. The maintenance and repair of equipment can not only rely on maintenance personnel, do a good job in cleaning and maintenance of equipment, promote new maintenance technology and apply modern management methods to improve the fault maintenance rate and on-site management level of printing and dyeing equipment.

Post time: Mar-22-2021