Six contradictions within the printing and dyeing factory!

Where there are people, there are contradictions, and dyeing factories are no exception. Today, we will take a look at the common internal contradictions in the dyeing factory. As the production department of a dyeing factory, there are often contradictions with various departments.

(This article was first published on September 6, 2016, and some contents were updated.)

Six contradictions within the printing and dyeing factory1

1. Production vs. sales
This kind of contradiction generally comes from more sales, mainly for the quotation, delivery date, quality and other issues of the production department, while most of the production departments are at a disadvantage. On the other hand, in the face of increasingly strict requirements of various indicators from customers, most of the sales departments are directly transferred to production. The production department hopes that the sales department can communicate and solve some difficult indicator requirements.

The effective transmission of customer requirements by the sales department is very important. Some customer complaints are due to the information transmission error required by certain indicators. In addition to improving the professional level of sales personnel, reasonable and standardized process management is also necessary.

2. Production vs quality inspection
Quality management is the core department for the dyeing factory, and the quality inspection standard and strength directly affect the production level of the dyeing factory.

The dyeing factory will formulate the quality standards to meet the requirements of customers. For the quality control of dyeing, in addition to the physical indicators that can be tested such as color fastness and strength, the indicators such as color difference and hand feel need to be evaluated manually. Therefore, the contradiction between quality inspection and production often arises.

The quality inspection department needs to standardize the quality indicators required by customers and make them as data as possible, and also rationalize them according to the technical level of actual production. Then there is the application of statistical methods. How to use statistics well, the quality inspection department will also assist the production to find out the reasons and solve the problems.

3. Production vs purchase
The quality and cost performance of raw materials purchased by the dyeing factory directly affect the production quality and cost of the dyeing factory. However, the purchasing department and the production department are generally separated, which inevitably leads to the following contradictions: Production hopes for higher quality, and procurement hopes for lower purchase price.

Both procurement and production have their own supplier circles. How to choose suppliers fairly and impartially is a long-term and arduous work. This work can not only be done with the bidding process. Various supply chain systems and procurement chain systems can only be used as auxiliary tools. An enterprise's procurement culture is also a culture.

4. Production vs Technology
At present, most dyeing plants are under the management of the production department, but there are also cases where production and technology are separated. When quality problems occur, it is often the technical process problem or the production operation problem that is the most likely contradiction.

When it comes to technology, we have to mention the innovation of technology. Some technical personnel are affected by their low level of self-sufficiency. If they don't advance, they will fall back. They dare not push new dyes, auxiliaries and new processes, and they are wise enough to protect themselves, thus affecting the technological development of enterprises. There are many such technicians.

5. Production vs equipment
The quality of equipment management also determines the stability of production. In the production process of the dyeing plant, the quality problems caused by equipment problems also account for a certain proportion. When the responsibility is divided, the contradiction between equipment management and production operation management inevitably occurs.

Equipment purchasers do not necessarily understand production and technology. For example, some dyeing plants bought dyeing tanks with ultra-low bath ratio, which resulted in very low water washing and efficiency during post-treatment. It may seem like the low bath ratio saved water, but the actual cost of electricity and efficiency was higher.

6. Internal contradictions in production
This kind of contradiction is easy to occur between various processes, such as reservation and dyeing, pretreatment and dyeing, dyeing and setting, etc., and the work coordination between various processes and the determination of the causes of quality problems.
To solve the contradictions between processes, it is necessary to standardize the process management, process, standardization and refinement. I think these three points are very useful for dyeing plant management. I also hope to have the opportunity to share my dyeing plant management experience with you.

7. What if there is no contradiction?
For the top management, some contradictions between departments need to exist, and there should be no collusion among departments. It is not terrible to have contradictions in production, but it is terrible to have no contradictions!
If the production process is harmonious and there is no contradiction between departments, the boss needs to reflect.

In a factory without contradictions, in many cases, various problems are covered up. In this case, the data presented to the boss are false, and the real efficiency, quality and cost cannot be reflected.

Post time: Sep-06-2016